
Guest Post - Write For Us

Eligibility Criteria for Publishing your Shopping/Fashion Guest Post on Digital Informative

Eligibility Criteria for Publishing your Shopping/Fashion Guest Post on Digital Informative

Send your guest post article to digitalinformativeofficial@gmail.com We highly recommend to read below details.


Thanks for your interest in writing for digital informative

Anuent is a leading manufacturer of handmade leather bags, purses, and journals. We offer a wide range of products. All our products are completely handmade. 

Below are the answers to some of your frequently asked questions by the bloggers while writing for Digital Informative.

What type of Topic do You prefer for Your Site?

We accept articles related to fashionshoppingdesign [like product design], bagsapparel, and accessories.

Should I Share Ideas for the topic before writing the post?

# Sure! Share your idea by sending your mail to digitalinformativeofficial@gmail.com. (Note we will only publish your post when it will be relevant and effective for our readers)We also consider fully drafted pieces.

How do I know my Post is Published or not after sending my Pitch?

# Please bear with us for two weeks so that our managing editor can revise your pitch properly.

Which format is accepted?

# Google document, Word Document.

Length of content for Shopping or Fashion Guest Post?

The maximum number is not restricted but you should submit at least 1500 words article.

Should I include pictures and video?

# We required at least 3 to 4 images to add in a blog post and 1 video if possible.

We look forward to your contribution!

Ready to pitch your idea or submit your post?

Before you submit, please go through the below checklist before submitting your fashion or shopping guest article.

  • Add your name, website, email, and Social media handle to the top of your post?
  • Include your bio below your post? (HTML, please, if you know how!)
  • Add at least two links in your post of other posts on SEO Shouts? (Use relevant keyword anchors)
  • Turn your post into an editable Google Doc? (Because Google can be finicky, that means creating your post as a Google Doc — cutting and pasting if you’ve written it in Word — rather than uploading a Word Doc to Drive.)
  • If so, you’re ready to submit!

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